Fifth Annual Fort Bend Future Technology Expo

Fort Bend Future Tech Expo


Why sponsor or be a vendor?

Participating in the Fort Bend Technology Expo is a prime opportunity to connect with a tech-savvy audience. These events attract businesses and individuals looking for the latest advancements, making it an ideal platform to showcase your innovative products and services. Not only can you generate leads and boost brand awareness, but you'll also have the chance to network with other industry professionals, fostering valuable connections within the Fort Bend tech community. By participating, you position yourself as a leader in the local tech scene and gain significant exposure in a market hungry for cutting-edge solutions.

Technology Industries Represented at Expo

Healthcare, IT, Energy, Life Sciences, Advances Manufacturing and more!

What's included in the Vendor Booth?

  • 6' Table
  • Pipe and Drape
  • Signage with Company Name Displayed
  • Electricity

What's included in a Sponsorship Package?

  • All of Vendor Booth Inclusions
  • Recognition at the Event
  • Logo on Expo Passports
  • Logo on all Marketing Materials

Contact Jamie Loasby at [email protected] or call 281-566-2163 for more information or to register.



The Fort Bend Technology Expo is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the latest advancements and the local tech scene. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, student, or established professional, the expo offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Explore cutting-edge technology: Witness firsthand the latest innovations from industry leaders, discover emerging trends, and gain valuable insights into the future of technology.
  • Network with like-minded individuals: Connect with potential clients, partners, or collaborators, exchange ideas, and build valuable relationships within the Fort Bend tech community.
  • Find new career opportunities: Meet representatives from leading tech companies, learn about job openings, and explore potential career paths in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
  • Gain valuable knowledge: Hear from our Keynote Speaker, Interim Dean of the Cullen College of Engineering, Dr. Pradeep Sharma, on innovation in the technology field.

Featured Events

  • Student Science & Engineering Fair Presentations
  • Keynote Presentation
  • PM Connections
  • Vendor Booth Visits
  • Student Science & Engineering Fair Presentations

Click here to RSVP!


Pradeep Sharma - Keynote Speaker

Dr. Pradeep Sharma
Interim Dean of the Cullen College of Engineering, Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Professor

Dr. Sharma received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park in the year 2000. Subsequent to his doctoral degree, he was employed at General Electric R & D for more than three years as a research scientist. He joined the department of mechanical engineering at University of Houston in January 2004 and is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering. He specializes in the broadly defined fields of continuum mechanics of solids and theoretical and computational materials science.

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